Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day +54 "Rollin', Rollin'... Rollin' down the River"

I wish it was that easy... the rollin' down the river thing. This has not been a good couple of days. I haven't had my blood checked since Sunday, and won't have it checked again until Friday when I see my Doc. But I seem to be outta gas. Becky and I went for a walk last night and I could only do one lap. That truly bummed me out. I did OK at PT this morning... got through all of the exercises without a problem, but came home and slept until lunch, then slept after lunch for two hours. After all that sleep... Becky recons about 4 hours total... I forced myself into doing 2 laps tonight. Now I am really wrecked! Becky and I have a plan to stretch it out to 3, then 4 laps. 

I talked to Clark (hip replacement-Calif) last night and we boosted each other up. His recovery is up and down, like mine, only thing is, he'll be playing golf in about 2 months. I can't play until next spring! The mold in the dust, dirt, etc. is the problem. Anyone who has seen me play golf will attest to the fact that I spend a lot of time in sand traps and in the woods. But I do love the game. For that reason, I miss the condo we had in Sarasota. It was right on the Stoneybrook Golf Club and it was a wonderful, but challenging course. I met some really nice people there, but it was bleeding us. I figured it out, and it was costing a whole lot of money per round of golf... I could play Pebble every day for a month at that rate!!!

The other thing that I'm bummed about is that I can't be in my wood shop until next spring, too... one year from date of transplant. So many projects to do... all I can do is sit around with the tool catalogs and order new tools!

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