Thursday, April 14, 2011

Still the cauldron...

Met with the docs this am... they want an MRI and a spinal tap to see whats going on with the double vision, I watch TV with an eye patch and switch off. It's happened before and cleared up... I'm not worried about it, and neither is the doc. Also peeing my brains out (not many left, come and get 'em).

... hours later: Just back from the MRI; should have the results tomorrow. No word on when they'll do the spinal tap. That's a piece of cake, I usually sleep through them!

Got a very sad posting from a good friend of mine from Melbourne (FLA, not Aussie). He had to put his Black Lab, Cage, down today. I really hate to hear that, especially when a Labrador Retriever is involved. I remember Maggie, as most of you do, as being really crazy, but when I was first diagnosed in '03, she glued herself to my side and never left. Her bed could be two feet away, but she would lay across my feet. When I was in the hospital, she never left Ruth Ann's side, knowing something was up. What a great dog an she meant so much to me... I really miss that girl. We had to put her down just a little better than a year later in '04... seven years and still an open sore. Ruth Ann bought me a rug with an outline of a Black Lab... I swear it moves.


  1. Hi a few hours I'll be there. Can't wait to see you in person. Everyone here asks for you. I love you

  2. That wasn't Becky...don't know how that happened...see you tomorrow...

  3. How in the world did you log in as me, Mom!?? Hi Daddy!!!! I love you! I'll see you tomorrow!!! xo, etc.

  4. Hang in there! We are all thinking about you over at the clinic.
