Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day +7; The thrills never stop

Today was a kinda normal day, until about 11:30. Since the MRI and Lumbar puncture were OK, docs want to see if the double vision goes away on its on, like the last time. But today is a chemo day for Rituxin, a drug I've had as far back as '03 at Leever.
So at 11:30 nurse Crotchety comes in with a dose of Tylenol and a syringe of Benydryl. Makes me take the tylenol and shoots the benydryl into an available line. She was OK with my getting back into bed, because the next thing I remember, it's 3:00 PM, and I'm stunod like you can't believe. It's 9:20 and I still feel a little shakey.

Becky and Sean came over today and went to the "caregiver" class. Sean wanted to stomp on a couple of the participants... and the moderator... who wouldn't shut up. I don't blame him... a 1+ hour class was almost two! We had to feed him pizza to calm him down. We got three pies, gave one to the nurses and did a number on the other two. I think there were 4 pieces left and we gave those to the nurses as well. I remember Nonnie D'Angelo telling me that when somebody brings you candy in the hospital, just give it to the nurses... they'll move a little faster after you've locked them in!!!

One last thing and I sign off: I apologize from not answering evveryone's e-mail. It would take me all day. I read them all... and I'll try to get to as many as I can. Maybe I'll post a general response on the blog.

Until tomorrow... GO YANKS! (another "W" today)



  1. Make that TWO pieces left! :-) We ate lots but it was pretty darn good, wasn't it? It was great to see you yesterday. I'll Skype you from the lanai when I'm over there earlier, Daddy! I love you! xo, etc.

  2. Don-Just remember, the SOX have the Yankees right where they want them. Two of the SOX three wins have been against the Yankees-that must mean something? Ron

  3. Hey Don, That Benydryl does a job on you. I remember asking if they could give me less because it hit me so hard I couldn't even lift my arms. Rich would try to tell me stories of his adventures in NY and I would be out of it.
    Talk about stu-nod.
    Rich got his Spider out of storage and often thinks about your Giulietta.
    Had my 3 month in NY last week. So far so good.
    Keep up your positive attitude. We know it will get you through all this.Do they make good pizza in Tampa? Hope so. Here on the Cape it's not so great.

  4. Hi Don,
    I so look forward to reading your blog every day. I think that your family and friends are so happy to hear from you, that it really doesn't matter if you answer each post. Keep up the good work!
    Love and continued prayers for you and Ruth Ann,
