Monday, May 2, 2011

Day +24 Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy

Oh boy, I’m being persecuted for missing yesterday. Well, not persecuted, but I got a couple of calls. Geesh, I’m OK. Actually, better than OK. The “D” is gone, and the Neutrophil count was 1800. Yes, Yes, Yes!!! Problem now is that my ankles are swollen and I’m growing Cankles… like, you know… well, let’s not go there. I wear these really attractive white stockings that are too long… all the way up to my crotch, and then I have to fold some down. I gotta see if they can get me a shorter pair, or I have to get longer legs. Crap, that’s not gonna happen… I got those short Eye-talian legs… better to pick the mushrooms and asparagus.

I talked about the Posse in Orlando, but there has been a posse that goes WAAAAY back... Our N.E. Posse. In fact it started back as far as grammar school. The relationships started that far back. Joe and Joan: Joe’s my 1st cousin and went to school with Ruth Ann. Pam and Russ: Pam went to school with me (HS), and college with RA; and Russ and I went to grammar school together and played BB at Town Plot park; also Russ was RA’s paper-boy. Tom and Laurie: Laurie went to grammar school and high school with Pam; Tom went to college with Russ. Eddie and Mary Lou: Eddie and Joe have been friends (it’s the Lebanese thing) since they were little guys, and Eddie went to HS with RA and Joe, too. That’s lot of long term relationships!

Ruth Ann and I were reminiscing about a trip to the Jersey shore years ago. There were a bunch of couples… the Posse plus… who had rented a couple of houses close to the shore. Ruth Ann and Becky (just a little kid) and I trucked down there with the trailer and parked it in the back yard of one of the houses. What a fantastic couple of days… including the beach (I got poison ivy trying to do number 1 in the bushes), and a trip to one of those animal parks that you drive through. We piled EVERYBODY into the Suburban… monkeys on the roof, goats climbing on the doors, a giraffe trying to get in through the window. The kids were hysterical. We loved it!

Hope you’re having a great week.


  1. Glad to hear things are going well! We are still saying lots of prayers and sending good vibes your way.

    LOVE the pic! Knew it was the Flying Bridge the second I saw it! Love that place! :)

    Things are good up here in CT. Finally getting out in the yard and ready for Spring and Summer! Jay and I went to the NY Auto Show this Saturday, I bought him tickets for a tour, it was very cool. Sat in lots of fun toys!! :)

    MIss and love you :)

  2. Hey Don, Glad to hear you're doing so well. Keep rolling your socks down... be kind to your nads. All the BEST my friend. JIM G

  3. Gotta love those neutrophils!! Joey Reynolds wouldn't approve of those stockings... need to get some black ones.
    Love you,
    Udder Brudder

  4. The journey of a thousand miles . . . . . well, you know the rest. All my best Donny. AND I'm doing my best to keep Spino under control!!!

  5. Yaaaay neutrophils!!!! Keep on multiplying!! Love and prayers your way!
